It is important to note that camp does adhere to a couple of rules, which American writer Susan Sontag famously wrote about best in her work “Notes on ‘Camp’” published in 1964. Sontag highlighted that, “The essence of Camp is the love of the unnatural: of artifice and exaggeration.” Hopefully, if you were still confused up until this point, you are starting to understand now. Camp emphasizes the “off” of normality, occasionally even appearing as comical. An outfit, makeup look, accessories etc. can be described as “campy” if they appear so ironically obscure that it actually pleases the eye. Maybe it is the presence of loud prints clashing in a complimentary way or different textures somehow cohesively flowing together. Wild shapes, sizes, layering, colors and accessories can also contribute to a campy look. If you are looking for an example of a celebrity who is frequently campy, none other than Lady Gaga will give you the perfect vision. Whether Gaga is wearing a dress made of meat or a crazy headpiece half her size, she is someone you can rely on to serve “camp” in outfits that catch the public off guard. Sontag noted, “The whole point of camp is to dethrone the seriousness,” which is a sentiment that Lady Gaga embodies.